Why A Romance Writer Tackled Historical Fiction 

This week we are joined by Nicki Pascarella, author of contemporary and historical romances. The Quiet Hero, which she co-authored with John Drost, has been our book pick for the month of March. The Quiet Hero is the inspiring story of a Czech lawyer caught in the political struggles of 20th century Czechoslovakia. We’ve been … More Why A Romance Writer Tackled Historical Fiction 

My Big Fat Greek Book Launch

A Parthenon in Pefki. Book launch party. Finally.

Our first book, A Parthenon on our Roof, was gaining ground in Athens. Bookshops were stocking, and it was selling well. Athenian bookshops offered to host our launch party, but we decided to give back to the village that inspired the book, and launch it there. It would certainly lend a traditional angle to the party. … More My Big Fat Greek Book Launch

Bulgarian Literature in a Nutshell

Bulgaria is a land of cultural richness, historical drama, and incredible creativity. Because of its location on the far east end of Europe, sandwiched between Greece and Romania, with the former Yugoslavian states to the west, this country has definitely seen both action and defining moments in the course of European history. All of these … More Bulgarian Literature in a Nutshell

The Historical Fiction of Bucharest

Bucharest is a city near and dear to my heart. Between Fall 1994 and Spring 1996, while providing volunteer humanitarian service there, I walked the grey avenues, packed into crowded buses, licked summer ice cream in the parks, and cuddled orphans. Even after leaving Romania for my native California, I felt I had taken part … More The Historical Fiction of Bucharest

5 Great Literary Sites in Istanbul

We are currently reading Last Train to Istanbul by Ayse Kulin as our June pick for the bookclub Travel Europe Through Books; the country of our current focus is Turkey! Kulin is an author of international renown whose works have been frequently published in English, but most foreigners will be unfamiliar with the majority of … More 5 Great Literary Sites in Istanbul

Art Imitating Art: An Introduction to Little Sicily

In the snooty, intellectual circles of cosmopolitan neighborhoods, where money is merely a fashion accessory, a more sophisticated version of the causality dilemma, regarding the order of the first chicken and the egg from which it hatched, is discussed endlessly, without ever coming to agreement. Those gathered for wine and cheese after the debut of … More Art Imitating Art: An Introduction to Little Sicily

Vienna is my Muse

To me, Vienna has always been the most beautiful city in the world, since I was 10 years old and read a historical novel called Vienna Prelude. Other kids wanted to visit Narnia or Avonlea, I hankered after Vienna. To me, it was a city of beautiful steeples, a million kinds of coffee, opulent opera balls and music. … More Vienna is my Muse