Art Imitating Art: An Introduction to Little Sicily

In the snooty, intellectual circles of cosmopolitan neighborhoods, where money is merely a fashion accessory, a more sophisticated version of the causality dilemma, regarding the order of the first chicken and the egg from which it hatched, is discussed endlessly, without ever coming to agreement. Those gathered for wine and cheese after the debut of … More Art Imitating Art: An Introduction to Little Sicily

A Walk Around Mont Blanc

“Beauty is not a Luxury”                        -John O’Donohue The Irish poet and philosopher John O’ Donohue, (God rest his soul) eloquently spoke and wrote about the need for Beauty that our human souls have to feel complete, to be whole. The experience of Beauty, whether it be music or poetry; liturgy and scripture; a caring relationship … More A Walk Around Mont Blanc

No Man is an Island

Communal wisdom states that “no man is an island,” but that is certainly not due to a lack of some of us trying to become one. Seppo Kemppainnen, the reluctant anti-hero in the new short story The Lucky Finn by VM Karren, is a master at burning the bridges that connect his island to anybody or anything else. Seppo’s only goal in life is to remain an island of solitude but finds luck conspiring against him, bringing him undesired good fortune…and too many neighbors!  … More No Man is an Island


The New Year of Fate is measured in the beats of the heart and love gained and lost.

For anybody dissatisfied with the current calendar regulated by our orbit around the sun, there is the new Calendar of Fate, which starts on February 14th, and runs through February 13th. Sound interesting? Read on! … More The NEW YEAR of FATE

In Memory of Liberty -Part 2: Ukraine

Eight years ago, Ukraine was a country on the brink of losing its hard won independence, due to the treachery of its President. The corrupt political class that controlled the government quickly reversed decades of progressive political reforms in two years time. Bad habits of government officials, learned during seventy years of communism, proved harder … More In Memory of Liberty -Part 2: Ukraine